TPB=trade paperback
From the DC Universe:
1) Watchmen TPB (written by Alan Moore)
2) Crisis On Infinite Earths TPB (original 12-issue series published by DC in 1985)
3) Superman For All Seasons TPB (written by Jeph Loeb; artwork by Tim Sale)
4) The Death of Superman TPB (comics originally published by DC in 1992-1993)
5) World Without A Superman TPB (comics originally published by DC in 1993)
6) Reign of the Supermen TPB (comics originally published by DC in 1993)
7) Batman: Year One TPB (written by Frank Miller; artwork by David Mazucchelli)
8) Batman: The Dark Knight Returns TPB (writer/artist: Frank Miller)
9) Kingdom Come TPB (written by Mark Waid; artwork by Alex Ross (AWESOME))
10) Whatever Happened To The Man of Tomorrow? TPB
from Superman #423 and Action Comics #583 (written by Alan Moore; artwork by Curt Swan and George Perez)
11) What's So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?
from Superman #775 (written by Joe Kelly; artwork by Doug Mahnke and Lee Bermejo)
From the Marvel Universe:
1) Wolverine Miniseries (written by Chris Claremont; artwork by Frank Miller)
2) Fatal Attractions TPB (writers: various; artists: various)
3) Wolverine: Not Dead Yet TPB (written by Warren Ellis; artwork by Leinil Francis Yu)
4) Wolverine #145 (written by Erik Larsen; artwork by Leinil Francis Yu)
A very powerful story, Wolverine gets his Adamantium back after many years.
From the Wildstorm Universe:
1) Wildstorm Rising Crossover TPB
This was the first major crossover in the Wildstorm Universe. A good read, circa 1995. (The pic above is from one of the issues of this crossover.)
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